Category: Corporate Training

Effective Meeting Strategies

Meetings, meetings, meetings. Sometimes it seems like the world is run on meetings – and it kind of is. But not all managers run effective meetings. Harvard Business Review says the average executive spends about 23 hours a week in meetings. Needless to say, 23 hours is a lot of valuable time. If you’re not…

Types of Leadership: Position vs Influence

There are two types of leaders. We’ve all experienced both types at some point in our careers. There is the leader who solely relies on his or her position to lead but doesn’t know how to effect real change. Then there is the true leader who knows how to influence people, not relying on a…

Teamwork Skills: Increasing What Employers Value

Talking about teamwork skills might not conjure up the most exciting feelings but building teamwork skills is paramount for creating a high performing team that consistently achieves goals and exceeds expectations. You have probably heard the old (and trite) adage about what TEAM stands for: “together, everyone achieves more.” When people work together, each bringing…

Amazon Memo: What Lessons Does It Hold?

The Amazon memo is often mentioned as one of the management team’s keys to the company’s operational success. Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos credits their embrace of the six-page memo as one of the company’s most important managerial tactics. This might make it seem like there’s some elaborate act of genius behind these memos.…

McKinsey Frameworks

The McKinsey frameworks have been used for decades to help organizations break down problems and make informed decisions about their future. In fact, the frameworks McKinsey helps its clients utilize have made the firm synonymous with “best of the best”. It’s the most prestigious consulting firm in the world for a reason. Maybe your organization…

Utilizing SWOT In A Business Case

Analyzing businesses is a crucial skill for all businesspeople. This is true whether you are a business owner, an executive, an external consultant, or even an investor. Due to the complexity and ambiguity of analyzing businesses, professionals have created frameworks to simplify the process. The SWOT analysis is one great example. This framework creates a…

Upward Feedback: What Is It & Examples

Asking for feedback from your team or boss is hard. You open yourself up to criticism and put yourself in a vulnerable position in the workplace. However, it’s arguably even more difficult to provide authentic upward feedback to your superiors. After all, these are the people who are in charge of your promotions and raises.…

How To Persuade People Through Story

Think back to a conversation where you tried to persuade someone to your point of view. You used every fact and figure you could think of. You created a logical argument based on solid data. You used numbers and statistics. But yet, you failed to persuade them. What’s More Powerful: Rhetoric or Experience? Now think…

Types Of Business Communication

Understanding that there are different types of communication for business allows you to maximize your team's effectiveness. Email, meetings, and interpersonal communication are all different but play an integral part in team performance. Jenny Rae breaks down these three types of communication, and how each one should be utilized within the proper context. Heed the…

Top Corporate Training Topics

Corporate training presents a great opportunity for your team to engage with each other, and up-skill in key areas that most affect performance. Choosing the right corporate training topics is essential to maximizing ROI and making sure your team feels like they are being invested in. Today, Jenny Rae shares MC's top requested corporate training…