Category: Corporate Training

Shadow Boards as a Development Tool

Shadow boards are a new trend in the business world that brings together millennial / Gen Z employees and seasoned executives to develop a company’s strategic vision. This solves two problems that most companies today are facing. First, shadow boards engage younger employees with senior management, which millennials and Gen-Zers value. Second, shadow boards are…

Upskilling Strategies

Upskilling strategies have become increasingly important to the survival of workers and businesses worldwide. As technology evolves at a breakneck pace, market dynamics, customer preferences, and competitor strategies change accordingly. Upskilling allows companies and workers alike to stay relevant and keep pace with technological and competitive changes. Let’s take a look at the benefits of…

The Benefits of Building Trust in Business

Building trust is a concept that can be difficult to grasp. What is trust, and how do you cultivate it in business? However, trust doesn’t have to be so elusive. It is possible to cultivate trust in all kinds of relationships. In this article, we’ll look at what trust actually means, the benefits of trust,…

Talent Mobility: Best Practices, Framework, & Benefits

Talent mobility, in an increasingly globalized world, can help companies stay agile and responsive to industry changes while meeting organizational goals. In this article, we’ll define what talent mobility is, what it looks like in practice, how to implement it, and its benefits. Let’s jump right in. What Is Talent Mobility? We’ve used the term…

Workplace Humor: The Unconventional Management Skill

Workplace humor has gotten a bad rap in recent years. We have witnessed the benign awkwardness of pop culture figures (ex: Michael Scott on the sitcom The Office) and seen the transgressions that led to Senator Al Franken’s resignation. Many have become hyperaware of the risks of bringing humor into a work setting. And yet,…

Effects Of Isolation On Employee Retention And Satisfaction

The effects of isolation became real for millions after Covid forced the majority of the workforce into remote work. The impact is still felt by many workers that have chosen to continue working from home even after their companies’ offices opened back up. Remote work created a work environment where employees are cooped up in…

Correlation vs Causation: Why It Matters For Businesses

Correlation vs. causation is important to understand for anyone analyzing an organization’s data. These two terms are closely related, making them easy to confuse. However, the implications they have for a company’s data are significantly distinct. Correlation vs. Causation Definition Let’s look at the correlation vs. causation definitions. It’s important to note that these are…

Circular Economy: What Is It?, Definition, Examples, & Model

By now, most people recognize that rethinking the take-make-waste system is essential to managing the environmental crisis. One possible alternative is the circular economy. It is an alternative model to the traditional system that’s been used since the Industrial Revolution. Let’s learn more about the circular economy. What is the Circular Economy? The circular economy…

Microlearning: Making Learning Accessible

Microlearning is a leaner, more effective way to absorb new skills and knowledge than traditional eLearning. Gone are the days of PowerPoint slide voice-overs for corporate training (thankfully). It works with dwindling attention spans to enable us to focus long enough to learn what we need to with bite-sized chunks of information. Let’s explore microlearning.…

Is Self Promotion Good or Bad?

Self promotion can get a bad rap. Most people can think of self promotion examples that came across as arrogant or out of touch. But that doesn’t mean self promotion is bad. It means that there’s an art to doing it well. In this article, we’ll look at self promotion psychology, self promotion in business,…