Category: Corporate Training

Building A Legacy in Business

At one point in our career, many people pause to consider how we can impact the future for others and whether we are building a legacy. As Charles Dickens stated, “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” The drive to benefit others in a lasting way is the motivation…

Vision Board: A Tool For Clarity

A vision board provides a tangible, visual representation of goals and dreams. It’s easy to think about our goals as a destination – the challenge is picturing how to get there. Research shows that visual tools play a powerful role in achieving goals. Many athletes, for instance, can manipulate their brains in certain ways simply…

Blended Learning: What Is It?

Education is changing rapidly in the face of evolving technology, new learning models, and post-COVID social distancing requirements. In the midst of these changes, a new model of learning has emerged: blended learning. Both higher education and corporate learning are utilizing blended learning models to improve how people learn. Blended learning promises to give students…

Business Failure: How to Handle Failure in Business

Business is inherently risky, and you’re likely to hear that from a number of sources if you’re thinking of starting one. You’ll probably hear lots of daunting statistics about the failure rates of small businesses. And yet, if you’re passionate about business and your product/service offerings, you can and should proceed with optimism. While managed…

Are Optimistic Employees More Successful?

Optimism in the workplace has numerous benefits for employees including financial, health, and overall success in their careers. Optimism also contributes to higher performance on teams and, ultimately, a more positive work environment for companies. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of being an optimist at work, as well as the how-to for employers…

Mental Health: Shaking Off Stigma & Improving Productivity

Mental health is something a lot more of us are thinking about during the pandemic. As human beings, we need social interaction, and we get mental stimulation from the people around us. When we don’t, we feel sluggish at best, and severely depressed at worst. So why don’t we hear more conversation about mental health…

Are The Effects of Worry – Worrisome?

Whether in your career or personal life, it’s easy to let worry creep in. But what are the effects of worry, and are the effects of worry – worrisome? In this article, we’ll take a close look at worry, the negative side effects of worry, and how to stop worrying. Worry Definition The definition of…

Gender Bias: What Data Says About The Workplace

Gender bias. Many of us may think we’ve never come across it, but gender bias is a form of unconscious bias. It can be hard to diagnose in real-time! Unfortunately, gender bias in the workplace is quite common. Like any kind of bias, it injects discrimination into what should be completely objective discussions and decisions.…

Future Of Work

Future of work is a topic that has been relentlessly covered in the news cycle, even before the pandemic. But the possibilities of what work in 10, 20, or 30 years could be like was put on steroids during the pandemic. We were forced to think about engaging with co-workers remotely and new business models…

5 Hour Rule: A Learner’s Success Model

The 5 hour rule of success essentially states that the most successful people in the world – think Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Cuban, etc. – dedicate an entire hour every day to learning or practicing new things. When you envision how busy with meetings and speeches and presentations these types of people are, this…