Category: Corporate Training

Becoming Data Driven

“Data driven” is one of those descriptors you see all businesses frequently using. It's being used to the extent that the term has lost some of its real meaning. We shouldn’t let the current state of the term’s usage detract from just how powerful a transformation becoming data driven can actually be. It’s not as…

How to Ask For a Promotion

Asking for a promotion can be a nerve-wracking prospect. Of course, it can also be one of the most transformative events in one’s career. There are many employers that do a good job of actively promoting employees into the roles where they can best contribute. And many companies, such as most consulting firms, use an…

Design Thinking: Process, Examples, & Models

The design thinking process is tremendously helpful for any team attempting to problem solve or provide a better product to their end users. The name implies it is a technique used only by designers. However, design thinking has been used in the fields of art, science, business music, education and more to produce great innovation.…

Offboarding: A Process To Make Departing Employees Fans

In the war for talent, offboarding receives a lot less attention than onboarding. Onboarding has obvious implications for a company’s brand and performance. Consulting firms must ensure new consultants are properly trained before they start working on client projects. Failing to do so will negatively impact a firm’s reputation. What many companies don’t realize, however,…

Experience Curve

Chances are, if you were to hear the term “experience curve” on the streets, you would have no idea what it means. You might think of a learning curve, but what is the meaning of the experience curve? In plain English, the experience curve is a business term that says that per-unit production costs go…

How To Get Along With Coworkers

Learning how to get along with coworkers is one of the most important things we can do on the job. After all, we spend a third of our lives at work – doesn’t it make sense to get along with the folks we work with? It’s not always easy. Learning how to get along with…

Developing Your Leadership Voice

Developing your leadership voice – what does this mean? No matter what industry you are in – from consulting to finance to tech and beyond – leadership voice is a topic that concerns every leader at every level. Having an effective leadership voice influences not only your interactions with others, but also the direction of…

Mass Customization

Whether you are a small business owner, or a consultant tasked with helping your client find ways to increase revenue, mass customization is a helpful tool to have in your toolbelt. In the modern market, customers have increasingly shown that they want options in what they buy. To satisfy the demand of the market, mass…

Best Business Podcasts

Seemingly every company has joined or has plans to join the audio revolution by way of the podcast. One of the most popular categories is business podcasts. With hundreds of options, how do you decide which to give your time to? Never fear - MC is here. We've compiled the below list of top business…

What Is Perfectionism & How to Overcome It

Perfectionism might seem - if you’ve spent a lot of time working in competitive schools, industries, and organizations - like a good thing. And this makes sense given the public values in those kinds of spaces. Our culture exalts achievement to the point of valuing work more than leisure, and even health and wellness. We…