Category: Economic consulting

A Day in the Life of an Economic Consultant | Bates White (Podcast)

We're back with Bates White for a deeper look into the world of economic consulting through a conversation with Amelia Irvine, a Manager in the firm's Life Sciences Practice. The wide-ranging discussion covers: How Amelia successfully transitioned from politics to consulting What a "normal" day-in-the-life of an economic consultant looks like Critical cover letter do's…

Bates White Overview: The World’s Top Economic Consulting Firm (Podcast)

Bates White is one of the world's top economic consulting firms with tons of interesting opportunities for a range of talented folks. Today, we're excited to bring on Scott Weishaar - a Partner in the firm's Life Sciences Practice - to share what makes the firm unique in the consulting landscape. The conversation covers the…

Big 8 Accounting Firms

In today’s world of massive accounting firms, most people are familiar with the elite at the top. The four largest globally are known as the “Big 4”. But have you heard of the Big 8 Accounting firms? What you might not be so familiar with is the history of how the Big 4 ended up…

Economic Consulting Case Interview Questions

Economic consulting case interview questions are likely to be some of the most difficult hurdles to clear in your quest to become an economic consultant. The case interview questions for management consulting—economic consulting’s slightly more popular cousin—are much more well documented. But there is a relative scarcity of resources to help with the economic consulting…

Bates White Interviews and Culture

Get ready for some fresh info as we talk about a firm that specializes in econometrics, statistics, antitrust, and specifically advanced econometric modelling. Bates White Economic Consulting is a highly reputable boutique firm that has been gathering momentum in recent years. If you are one of those econ fanatics (ahem: nerds) who dig economics, statistics, and antitrust…