Category: Leadership

5 Early Career Mistakes to Avoid

When I started my corporate career, it wasn’t all warm fuzzies. In fact – I made a few really big mistakes. Here were 5 mistakes I made in my first 3 months – and, in what should be no surprise to you, they are the top 5 mistakes we see otherwise-savvy professionals make every single…

Digital Literacy As A Leadership Skill

In today’s pervasive digital world, you are constantly assessed based on your digital communications. For example, was your email clear enough? Was your memo easy to read? Are you able to distill your key messages into an easy to understand Slack message? In addition, it is no secret that the best companies use big data…

Humility in Leadership

Humility in leadership is paramount in a variety of ways. Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. Some are extroverts who are natural born motivators, while others are introverts who prefer to lead by example. But one quality that all great leaders share is humility. Humility is often misunderstood as weakness or a lack of…

Empowering Leadership: Traits & Examples

Empowering leadership is one of the most effective ways a leader can boost efficiency and employee retention in their work environment. With countless opportunities for distractions and criticism, it is vital that employers understand the importance of an empowering leadership style. Leaders that empower employees instead of micro-managing them make space for increased confidence and…

Questions Good Leaders Ask

We all know questions are an essential part of learning. Questions help managers to manage their direct reports. Good leaders ask great questions that move their people and organizations toward their goals. Questions can also direct existing leaders toward success and career growth. A leader might ask another leader about their mentors, memorable lessons, work…

Empathy In Leadership: Importance, Benefits, & Examples

Empathy in leadership is one of the keys to success of a consulting firm, Fortune 500 company, small start-up, or non-profit. Beyond developing personal connections and being empathetic for the sake of being a good person, empathy is important in leadership at work because it increases trust, communication, and a sense of worth for team…

Employee Development: Where to Start

Employee development is a great way to create a healthy, thriving company culture while investing in future talent. Great candidates can be hard to come by, so learning how to teach hired talent to reach their full potential can be a major boon to management consulting firms. Investing in existing talent saves the time and…

Compassionate Leadership: Model, Benefits, & Examples

Compassionate leadership is not something that can be glazed over as simply a pleasant idea or an interesting concept. In recent years, people have become accustomed to shifting with unexpected workplace challenges more than ever before, often to the detriment of their personal lives. Managing with a compassionate leadership style will help you build connections…

How to Be an Ally at Work

Learning how to be an ally at work is an under-appreciated skill for many young people entering the workforce. But in a way, it’s a more important task than most anything else we will devote our individual and collective labors to. If you have confusion or curiosity about this concept, this is the article for…

The Importance of Middle Management In A Remote Workforce

Middle management tends to get a bad rep as the “middle man” inside organizations. But middle management, sometimes known as “middle level management,” plays an important supervisory role within large companies. However, as remote work continues to become the norm, the role  is changing. In this article, we’ll discuss the role and characteristics of middle…