Category: Leadership & Management

5 Early Career Mistakes to Avoid

When I started my corporate career, it wasn’t all warm fuzzies. In fact – I made a few really big mistakes. Here were 5 mistakes I made in my first 3 months – and, in what should be no surprise to you, they are the top 5 mistakes we see otherwise-savvy professionals make every single…

McKinsey Black Leadership Academy (MBLA)

The McKinsey Black Leadership Academy is a pipeline optimization program designed to equip rising Black leaders with the skills they need for executive success. Founded in 2020 as part of McKinsey’s 10-step plan toward racial equity, the Black Leadership Academy has enrolled over 20,000 participants in its three component programs. In this article, we explore…

Timeboxing: What Is It & How To Do It

There is a long standing saying that a task will expand into the amount of time you have. For example, if you have an hour, your task will take an hour. However, if you have 10 hours, the task will take 10 hours. This can be problematic if the task is only supposed to take…

Effective Meeting Management

Effective meeting management is one of the most essential skills that management consultants must master. This requires an in-depth understanding of the dynamics governing group interactions and decision-making processes. Yet it also requires a deep understanding of how to manage meetings effectively. In this article, we will explore these key aspects of meeting management, providing…

Employee Burnout: Signs, Preventions, & Statistics

Employee burnout is a state of work-related stress caused by prolonged exposure to demanding workplace environments, often resulting in higher levels of stress, lower productivity, and a general sense of exhaustion. When employees are showing signs of burnout, it’s time to take action to prevent further damage. In this article, we’ll offer a clear outline…

Market Intelligence: Definition, Methods, Tools & Competitive Advantage

Market intelligence is more important than ever to stay ahead of the competition in a rapidly changing business landscape. Market intelligence is one of the key tools that can give you the insights you need to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve. But what exactly is market intelligence? And what are the…

Digital Literacy As A Leadership Skill

In today’s pervasive digital world, you are constantly assessed based on your digital communications. For example, was your email clear enough? Was your memo easy to read? Are you able to distill your key messages into an easy to understand Slack message? In addition, it is no secret that the best companies use big data…

Power Dynamics: Understanding Power in the Workplace

Power dynamics exist in human workspaces. In business, power is often thought of as a necessary evil. It's what enables companies to get things done, but it can also be abused, leading to conflict and resentment. Management consultants are always looking for new ways to increase their effectiveness and add value to their clients. In…

Greenwashing: What is it?

"Greenwashing" is a term coined in the late 1980s. It refers to the practice of making misleading claims about a product to suggest using it is helpful to the environment. It has become increasingly prevalent in recent years as more and more companies attempt to capitalize on consumers' growing concerns about the environment. Unfortunately, greenwashing…

How To Mentor Remotely

Mentoring is a vital part of professional development. but it doesn't always have to happen in person. With the rise of remote work, more and more mentoring relationships are taking place online. Virtual mentorship can be just as effective as traditional mentorship, with some added benefits. For example, remote mentors can more easily connect with…