Category: Leadership & Management

Employee Development: Where to Start

Employee development is a great way to create a healthy, thriving company culture while investing in future talent. Great candidates can be hard to come by, so learning how to teach hired talent to reach their full potential can be a major boon to management consulting firms. Investing in existing talent saves the time and…

Compassionate Leadership: Model, Benefits, & Examples

Compassionate leadership is not something that can be glazed over as simply a pleasant idea or an interesting concept. In recent years, people have become accustomed to shifting with unexpected workplace challenges more than ever before, often to the detriment of their personal lives. Managing with a compassionate leadership style will help you build connections…

Hybrid Workplace: Maintaining Connection & Model Example

Hybrid workplace models are becoming the norm across the United States in the wake of Covid-19. This necessary measure at the peak of the pandemic looks like it’s here to stay, although what that means exactly has yet to be decided. But, many companies are adopting permanent hybrid models after seeing them succeed during the…

Expectancy Theory: How to Tailor Motivation

The Expectancy Theory of Motivation has become increasingly popular within the management world as a strategy for aligning employee and company incentives. This is one of the key responsibilities and challenges a manager has. Incentives are malleable, however. Effective management can help bring employee and company incentives into a more synergistic relationship. This is exactly…

Shadow Boards as a Development Tool

Shadow boards are a new trend in the business world that brings together millennial / Gen Z employees and seasoned executives to develop a company’s strategic vision. This solves two problems that most companies today are facing. First, shadow boards engage younger employees with senior management, which millennials and Gen-Zers value. Second, shadow boards are…

The Benefits of Building Trust in Business

Building trust is a concept that can be difficult to grasp. What is trust, and how do you cultivate it in business? However, trust doesn’t have to be so elusive. It is possible to cultivate trust in all kinds of relationships. In this article, we’ll look at what trust actually means, the benefits of trust,…

Talent Acquisition vs Recruiting

Is talent acquisition the same as recruiting? While the terms may seem interchangeable, they are not. In this article, we’ll explain why. As an intro, there are important differences between the two practices. While both have the goal of acquiring talent, one process is straightforward and short-term, whereas the other is more in-depth and long-term.…

Sustainability in Business: Definition, Arguments Against, & Examples

Sustainability in business is a pretty hot topic. 15 years ago, few universities were offering academic degrees in sustainability or sustainable business. Today, such degrees are commonplace. “Sustainability” has recently joined the ranks of other abstract concepts that just about every modern business is compelled to list as one of its core values – regardless…

Workplace Humor: The Unconventional Management Skill

Workplace humor has gotten a bad rap in recent years. We have witnessed the benign awkwardness of pop culture figures (ex: Michael Scott on the sitcom The Office) and seen the transgressions that led to Senator Al Franken’s resignation. Many have become hyperaware of the risks of bringing humor into a work setting. And yet,…

How to Be an Ally at Work

Learning how to be an ally at work is an under-appreciated skill for many young people entering the workforce. But in a way, it’s a more important task than most anything else we will devote our individual and collective labors to. If you have confusion or curiosity about this concept, this is the article for…