Category: Leadership & Management

Empathy in Business: An Unsung Resource

Empathy in business, if it has gotten any attention at all, has typically been relegated to the realm of Human Resources. It gets glossed over in orientation and diversity training, and after that, it’s primarily a tool for conflict resolution. But more and more authorities in the business world are recognizing that empathy is a…

Leadership Training: What’s The ROI?

For all levels of leaders - from brand new managers to C-suite executives - leadership training offers a path towards expanding the capacity of leaders in your organization to operate in the roles they currently possess, and the roles you hope they will grow into. Companies that invest in leadership training understand that investing in…

Personality Tests: 6 Top (and Useful) Tests for 2022

“Personality test” is a phrase that evokes a wide range of reactions. Some find personality tests highly useful; others find them useless. Our take? If not overdone, they can be effective tools for self-discovery, adding great value to your personal and professional life. If you want to learn more about yourself, there is a test…

Skill Will Matrix: Leadership Tool

In the cult-classic film, Kill Bill, the character Beatrix Kiddo possesses two qualities that earn her the top performance spot according to The Skill Will Matrix. Albeit a fictional character, for Kiddo, those qualities would be a fierce will and “a particular set of skills.” The score that any manager would give this high-will/high-skill team…

The Consequence of Self Confidence

Self-confidence is one of the most helpful qualities you can demonstrate in life, in business, and as an applicant to a management consulting firm. Yet by and large, aspiring consultants don’t work on their self-confidence in the same way they work on other dimensions of applicant competitiveness. This is a shame, because there are resources…

What Is Big Data? Examples, Benefits, & Challenges

Big data is a term that describes the large amount of data – both structured and unstructured – that a business can access on a day-to-day basis. Like the term “the cloud,” the term big data can seem complex. In reality, big data as a concept is really quite simple. It’s about understanding the methods/tools…

The Law Of Attraction

The law of attraction. Nope, we aren’t talking about dating apps here. The law of attraction speaks to the power of the human mind. Specifically, your mind’s ability to think thoughts that translate into real life events – either positive or negative. This philosophy dates way back to the origins of Buddhism and has stood…

Business Innovation

Business innovation is not a complex concept. It simply means doing something new and different. It could look like better meeting customer needs, solving a problem, reducing costs, or increasing employee satisfaction. Certainly, there are major business innovations that take the world by storm such as the Model T Ford, personal computer, iPhone, or plant-based…

Circular Supply Chain: A More Sustainable Option?

“Circular supply chain” is a big part of business lingo these days, but what does it actually mean, and is it a more sustainable option? The circular supply chain business model is increasingly in demand in an eco-conscious society, but you might find that the circular economy supply chain has other benefits in addition to…

Leadership: Where Everything Rises and Falls

Every organization involves a complex dynamism of human activity, and every new individual added increases the complexity. How can an organization ensure that all that activity happens synergistically, make sure people aren’t working at cross-purposes, resolve disputes, bring people together to work toward a common purpose, and achieve alignment across stakeholders with a common set…