Category: Leadership & Management

Strategy vs Tactics: Key Differences and Uses

Strategy vs tactics is a debate as old as business – which is more important? The dichotomy is not a distinction without a difference. Business strategy and tactics are clearly different concepts. At the same time, it’s hard to say that one is more important than the other. Categorizing particular action items in your business…

Supply Chain: Keeping Business Moving

A strong supply chain is one of the most important aspects of any business. Companies differ in what they sell and how they sell it, but supply chains are an area of commonality. Why? Nothing makes it into the hands of customers without a supply chain. Think about the items you interact with on a…

Becoming Data Driven

“Data driven” is one of those descriptors you see all businesses frequently using. It's being used to the extent that the term has lost some of its real meaning. We shouldn’t let the current state of the term’s usage detract from just how powerful a transformation becoming data driven can actually be. It’s not as…

Impact Of Covid-19 On Tax Revenues

Over a year into the pandemic, Covid-19 continues to impact all facets of life. From a business perspective, we most often talk about remote work and “the new normal.” And rightly so. After more than 12 months of working from home, people want to know what the future looks like. But today, we're talking about…

Design Thinking: Process, Examples, & Models

The design thinking process is tremendously helpful for any team attempting to problem solve or provide a better product to their end users. The name implies it is a technique used only by designers. However, design thinking has been used in the fields of art, science, business music, education and more to produce great innovation.…

Offboarding: A Process To Make Departing Employees Fans

In the war for talent, offboarding receives a lot less attention than onboarding. Onboarding has obvious implications for a company’s brand and performance. Consulting firms must ensure new consultants are properly trained before they start working on client projects. Failing to do so will negatively impact a firm’s reputation. What many companies don’t realize, however,…

What Is Perfectionism & How to Overcome It

Perfectionism might seem - if you’ve spent a lot of time working in competitive schools, industries, and organizations - like a good thing. And this makes sense given the public values in those kinds of spaces. Our culture exalts achievement to the point of valuing work more than leisure, and even health and wellness. We…

Getting Passed Over for Promotion: Does Remote Work Make It More Likely?

Getting passed over for a promotion is something most people experience at some point. Of course, this is disappointing. But if you’re not careful, that disappointment can fester into resentment and insecurity. Better to transform the disappointment into motivation as you reorient to your long-term goals. That said, if you’re motivated by advancing within your…

Top 3 Things To Do As New Manager

The transition from a rank-and-file worker to a new manager can sometimes be tricky. Managers have more responsibilities and greater expectations. Thus, new managers are naturally filled with both excitement and anxiety. They have more authority to achieve personal and organizational goals, but they also must get their team’s buy-in for their vision. In this…

The Effects of Micromanagement

Micromanagement is a demoralizing, controlling, rarely effective management method that wreaks havoc in many workplaces. While the intent behind micromanagement is often sincere, the resulting outcome leads to diminished productivity and employee morale. So, how can we learn the signs of micromanagement and how to prevent it? Let’s dive in. What Is Micromanagement? Micromanagement, in…