Category: McKinsey Case Interview

Breaking News: McKinsey target school will receive interview invites on November 17

If you are a current or prospective MBA student aiming to break into McKinsey, listen up! First year MBA candidates at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business - a known McKinsey target school - have been notified that McKinsey will send out interview invites for the firm's Summer Associate internship on November 17th…

Public Sector Case Interview

Looking for examples of a public sector case interview? You're in luck. In this McKinsey-style public sector case interview, a candidate takes on the tough task of helping a city public school system improve the academic performance of its students. It's a case that requires creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. See how our candidate…

McKinsey Case Interview

The McKinsey case interview is different than the case interview you will receive at BCG, Bain, or another top consulting firm. This means that you must prepare strategically. While best practices are consistent across different case styles, at some point, simply preparing for general case interviews will not put you in the best position to…

Case Interview Recommendation: Finishing Strong

The case interview recommendation is one the most nerve-wracking parts of the case interview for most candidates. That is, until one learns how to crack it! You just spent the last 20-45 minutes creating frameworks, doing mental math, and interpreting graphs. Now, the interviewer asks you to put all the pieces together…should our PE client…

Top Job Interview Myths

Job interview myths abound. When preparing for an interview, being aware of these myths can increase a candidate’s chances of doing well in the interview and landing the role. Below, we have compiled a list of the most common job interview myths and the flaws in each one. Whether you’re interviewing for a job in…

Unstructured Case Interview: A Final Round Curveball

Unstructured case interviews have become a more common occurrence in the process of getting hired at a top consulting firm. And while you may be familiar with the standard case interview, the unstructured case interview can surprise you if you’re not prepared for it. This short article discussion includes an explanation of the difference between…

McKinsey TEI Interview

If you've been asked to go through the TEI interview, or Technical Experience Interview, at McKinsey, you've got some work to do! The TEI is intended to measure your mix of technical and storytelling skills in the context of projects you’ve completed or experiences you’ve had. The goal is to give the firm a sense…

McKinsey Perks: More Than Just a McKinsey Salary

McKinsey perks have a reputation for being among the best in management consulting. This is quite the accomplishment, considering McKinsey employs over 27,000 people worldwide. But the generally positive reputation of McKinsey benefits doesn’t quite do the topic justice. McKinsey perks include both the financial kind (salary, bonus, profit share, 401K, etc.) as well as…

McKinsey Case Interview Walkthrough

McKinsey Case Interviews are some of the toughest with the most expectation for accurate case math and solid case structure. This case is led by Jenny Rae, ex-Bain consultant, and the candidate, Lisa, is an ex-McKinsey consultant. Read how Lisa goes through all the information given, and then creates a structure worthy of a McKinsey…

Mergers and Acquisitions Case Walkthrough: McKinsey Style- Restaurant Acquisition

When you think about case interview prep, you must be ready for all types of cases. Generally there are 6 types of case interviews. They are: profitability cases, mergers & acquisitions cases, brain teaser cases, consulting math cases, market sizing cases, and market study cases. Going through case walkthroughs can be helpful as they allow…