Category: McKinsey Consulting

McKinsey Frameworks

The McKinsey frameworks have been used for decades to help organizations break down problems and make informed decisions about their future. In fact, the frameworks McKinsey helps its clients utilize have made the firm synonymous with “best of the best”. It’s the most prestigious consulting firm in the world for a reason. Maybe your organization…

McKinsey London

Even with the mess that is Brexit, consultants are still flocking to the McKinsey London office. London is often considered the top destination for management consultants because it is a hub for not only European industry, but global industry as well (especially finance). As a result, working in London means working for high profile clients,…

Influence Model – McKinsey’s Change Management Model

Influence Model, McKinsey's change management model, is one in a long list of potential frameworks one can draw upon during a case interview. Of course, it’s also relevant if you are a young professional experiencing large-scale change at your employer. Or, if you are a seasoned professional tasked with designing or leading a corporate transformation.…

McKinsey Digital

McKinsey is one of the most recognized brand names in the world - and it is making new waves in the tech consulting space via McKinsey Digital (also known as "Digital McKinsey"). Separating these practice areas can get confusing, as the firm has multiple groups that leverage the McKinsey name but offer services that don’t…

McKinsey Insight Program

McKinsey Insight is built to attract top Advanced Degree candidates to life at McKinsey. What do we - and McKinsey - mean by Advanced Degree? If you are in a PhD, JD, or MD program, McKinsey is interested in you! Applying for summer consulting programs built specifically for Advanced Degree candidates gives you an opportunity…

McKinsey Middle East Careers

Consultant Interview: How one consultant aced the McKinsey interview, broke in, and broke out again Are you interested in understanding more about McKinsey careers – from the McKinsey case interview to the difference between McKinsey offices in the Middle East? Boy, do we have a treat for you. If you’re thinking about applying for a…

McKinsey Jobs: New Hire Advice

So you aced the behaviorals and case interviews and are now starting your new gig working at McKinsey - congratulations! You just landed what many consider to be a dream job. Yet, as I’m sure you know, the real work is just getting started. Here are our Top 5 tips and new hire advice as…

McKinsey Global Institute: What Is It?

McKinsey may sit at the top of the consulting world, but the firm is actually much more than a consulting firm. McKinsey has spent decades working with top clients on strategy and management consulting projects, and is now expanding its services to differentiate itself in the market against other competitors. One such way is the…

10 Reasons to Work for McKinsey and 6 Reasons Not to

Almost every budding consultant wants to work for McKinsey. It’s no secret that “the Firm” sits atop the consulting world, and there are many reasons why. But no firm is perfect, right? And why does everyone want to work at McKinsey, anyway? Why is it the gold standard of consulting firms? Find out below as…

McKinsey Retail Store

McKinsey is in the retail game!? Well, yes and no. The McKinsey retail store opened this past September at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, MN. Chances are, however, that even if you’ve walked past the store, you may not have even realized McKinsey was behind it. This retail concept is not a clever way…