Category: consulting internship

Harvard Junior Weighs Internships in VC and Consulting

Pierre was a junior at Harvard University who was offered 2 very exciting internships - one for BCG in management consulting (plus, after this call he got an offer for Bain as well) and the other for a VC firm in New York. He was torn between the two types of options, so he jumped on a call with…

Fortune 500 vs. Niche Consulting Internship, Choosing Between Top Offers, and Breaking the “No Experience” Barrier

Since we've been back from hibernation, we're getting flooded by emails - thanks for letting us in on your thought process as you ponder your futures! We've brought some of the best questions to you here...with our (hopefully insightful) responses. As always, everything we share is anonymous.  Enjoy! Q:  Background - I am a master business…

Consulting Summer Internship: 6 Secrets to Guaranteeing a Return Offer

Today we continue our discussion on consulting summer internships. Part one on preparing for the internship here. Today is all about giving yourself the best change at getting a return offer after your summer consulting internship. As a summer intern, you're the baseball equivalent of a utility player. What's a utility player, you ask? A…

Consulting summer internship: 7 must-dos before starting work

Last week, we thoroughly discussed consulting interviews. This week, the focus will be on the consulting summer internship - best practices before, during, and after your 3 months as a newbie consultant. The ultimate goal of any summer intern is two-fold: one, to secure a full-time offer, and two, to learn more about the job,…

Engineering To Consulting: Career Change Strategy

Going from engineering to consulting is a great move. That's why we've created a series on entering consulting from "non-business" backgrounds - other posts include entering from liberal arts/humanities degrees and non-MBA grad schools. It's very common for engineers to be interested in consulting. It's a professionally demanding, well-compensated job which opens many doors in…

Overview of the Management Consulting Summer Internship – from Recruiting to Guaranteeing a Return Offer

Summer internships in management consulting are tough to find because there are so few. Some companies have just begun to expand their internship programs (eg, McKinsey) and some don't hire summer undergraduate interns (eg, smaller boutiques). However, landing one is incredibly valuable - you get a trial period to determine whether it's the right career…

Networking at Management Consulting Company Presentations

how to get your ex girlfriend back I summarized the management consulting recruiting process in this post. This is the beginning of my deep-dives on each piece of that recruiting process and will be focused on the “execution specifics” - showing you exactly how to master the recruiting process. The overview: Far more common if you’re currently in school (undergraduate, MBA) where consulting firms ranging…