Category: Technology in Consulting

FAANG Interview Prep

If you are a tech enthusiast you understand that a FAANG interview is a comprehensive selection process used by tech giants like Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google, known for their demanding interviews requiring deep technical knowledge and both cultural and company fit. Involving numerous screening processes, technical and behavior knowledge, and an understanding of…

How To Use ChatGpt To Prepare For An Interview

The emergence of generative artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm, offering opportunities for businesses, institutions, and organizations across the world to simplify their vast operations. Amidst a precarious hiring environment, several candidates have turned to this very tool to approach the daunting task of landing job offers in an unprecedented job market. While…

Generative AI: What Is It & How Does It Work?

Unless you’ve had your head in the sand for the last several months, you’ve probably noticed your friends and colleagues talking about ChatGPT, or programs with similar functions. ChatGPT and programs like it are examples of something called Generative AI. Depending on who you ask, you might have the impression that Generative AI is a…

Digital Engineering: What Is It & Examples

The digital revolution is clearly here to stay. The ubiquity of digital applications and digitally connected devices might make it seem like the digital ecosystem is self-replicating. But every one of those applications and devices requires human design. This is where digital engineering comes into play. Digital engineering is what drives companies’ ability to meet…

From Nuclear Engineering to a Consulting Offer – Denyce’s Story (Podcast)

If you are an undergraduate engineering student looking to break into consulting, Denyce’s story is for you. With a passion for sustainability and a background in nuclear engineering, Denyce – an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto with no business experience – decided to pursue consulting as a way to make a bigger impact…

BCG X: BCG’s Tech Division

For decades, Boston Consulting Group has been one of the premier names in the consulting landscape. Considered one of the “Big Three” firms alongside McKinsey and Bain, BCG has earned a stellar reputation for helping big and small clients achieve spectacular results. While any company would likely envy BCG’s long track record of success, sometimes…

AI Consulting

If you have an interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential to revolutionize the way we live, work, and interact with each other, then a career in AI consulting may be for you. In the following article, we'll explore the skills you need to become an AI consultant, the job roles you can expect…

Automation: Threat Or Benefit?

Automation offers us a glimpse into the future of business. Companies of all shapes and sizes are constantly looking for ways to automate their value chains. At first glance, automation may seem like a clear net positive. Technology reduces dependence on human capital, which translates into cost savings. But digging a little deeper into automation,…

Fjord Accenture

Fjord Accenture and consulting in general is not just about telling the c-suite how to increase profitability or enter a new market. This stereotype has surprisingly held up over the years. Yet, consulting firms long ago realized that conventional strategy is not the only area corporations need help with. In an increasingly digital age, clients…

Business Innovation

Business innovation is not a complex concept. It simply means doing something new and different. It could look like better meeting customer needs, solving a problem, reducing costs, or increasing employee satisfaction. Certainly, there are major business innovations that take the world by storm such as the Model T Ford, personal computer, iPhone, or plant-based…