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Consulting Bible – Preface

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

You’ve probably heard one-liners like, ‘Networking is really important” and “It’s all about who you know” when sage advisors are proffering wisdom on how to get a job in today’s economy. Haven’t you ever wondered exactly what that looks like - especially when you might not be a natural networker, or might not know someone in a particular form of interest?


If you’re already pretty good at networking - you’re not hiding in the corner at social events and you seem to make connections easily - we can promise that you don’t fully understand the beast that is networking and your way into consulting firms. We guarantee - no matter how good you are - you can be better. (We thought we were killer networkers, but cringe at our mistakes now). If you’re terrible - well, just take a deep breath and whisper “Hallelujah.” Your step-by-step salvation is here!


In our work with 1000+ premium clients over the the last 3 years, we’ve encountered brilliant ideas, reckless mistakes and confused questions from management consulting candidates across the globe. Our clients get amazing overhauled resumes, and then they wonder - now that I have my story down, and my resume looks awesome, how do I really set myself apart?


At first, we were amazed by your questions were about networking effectively - were there really any secrets, we wondered? Upon greater consideration, we started to uncover tips and tricks that we’d used and others that have been used on us. And when top firms are receiving resumes from 100+ candidates a day, no wonder you want to know how to stand out from the crowd. Voila! The Consultant’s Networking Bible was born. There’s a huge gap knowledge on the subject - and finally, we’re closing that gap here.


Here are some of the questions, we answer for you in this toolkit:

  • Which office should I apply to?
  • I sent an email to everyone I know asking for their help, but no one responded. What’s my next step?
  • I’ve been networking but no one has even offered me an interview. What am I doing wrong?
  • How do I get the most out of an informational interview?
  • What are the key questions to ask at a recruiting event?
  • What’s the best way to use the contacts I have to gain access to my target firms?
  • I don’t know anyone in consulting. Where do I start?
  • I’m not naturally a good networker, Can I still be effective?
  • Do I need to approach a warm lead differently than a cold lead?
  • Do I need to have a Linkedin profile, and what can I use it for?