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    Advanced Consulting Fit Interviews – Video Overview

    Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

    Okay! So you've made it a long way already. You've done all your homework on the firm, networked your butt off, and crafted the pristine consulting resume and cover letter. Then you receive a call saying you've passed the first round and they want you to come in for an interview.

    You're electrified and perhaps a tad nervous, or perhaps very nervous. "What did I get myself into?" you might ask. Honestly, you successfully made it into one of the hardest interviews you'll have in your life. The good news is that, with proper interview training and practice, you can successfully navigate this labyrinth.

    Recently we've released multiple free videos to help you prepare for the consulting interview process. Below are 4 videos that will help you answer the cultural fit questions that most of our clients have faced throughout their interview process – questions that you will most likely face during your interview.

    We've broken the videos into 2 main parts: 1) a section that helps you understand why your interviewer is asking the question and 2) a section that shows you how to best answer that specific question.

    Want to be notified when we release new YouTube videos about consulting? You can join our community and subscribe to our YouTube channel here.

    Ready to watch the videos? Here they are:

    Walk Me Through Your Resume

    Why Consulting?

    Why the Firm?

    Strengths, Weaknesses, and the Ultimate Question

    Do you feel ready? Chances are, probably not. In reality, watching these videos by themselves won't benefit you unless you take what you've learned and practice it. Try writing out answers to these questions and then saying your answers out loud. Then edit your answer and say your updated answer out loud. Repeat that several times.

    Also, here are 2 ways we'd recommending preparing for both the fit and the case interview questions:

    1. If you love teaching yourself new material, work your way the 300+ pages of The Consulting Interview Bible. In there you'll find:

    • 300+ outline and instruction pages covering every conceivable topic central to consulting interviews – from general preparation tips to why interviewers ask specific fit questions, from tips on analyzing charts to bottom-up approaches for sizing questions.
    • Over 50 fit questions that you’re guaranteed to hear in consulting interviews. Understanding them will enable you to destroy every consulting interview question you’ll ever face.
    • 50+ pages of practical advice on cracking the case interview including 4 versatile frameworks that are easy to use to solve every case, every time.
    • 16 cases that you can do on your own or use to practice with a partner. These are based on realistic company problems, structured in the style of a 1:1 live interview, and include scoring keys modeled off those used at M/B/B. They’re comprehensive, complex, and will be more challenging than any you’ll face from the likes of Bain and BCG.

    2. Maybe you need quick results or prefer working face-to-face with our ex–MBB staff. If so, we'd recommend our Consulting Interview Prep service. According to last year's results, clients who went through our interview preparation process were 18.3x more likely to receive an offer.

    That's all for now, if you have any questions regarding fit interviews or consulting, don’t hesitate to contact us! :)