
Delivery Associates

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Delivery Associates is a global advisory firm working with governments and social impact organizations to help inform and guide public policy and large scale humanitarian projects, and then deliver on promises made. It has worked in over 50 countries, on issues like climate change, global health, government spending, and education.

Delivery Associates, Delivery Associates history, Delivery Associates careers, Delivery Associates internship, Delivery Associates locations, Delivery Associates culture, Delivery Associates interview, Delivery Associates salary

Firm Key Stats

Firm Website: www.deliveryassociates.com
Firm Headquarters: London, United Kingdom
Firm Number of Employees: 219
Firm Chief Executive: Nick Rodriguez
Firm Revenue: $16 million

Delivery Associates History

Delivery Associates was founded in 2013 by Sir Michael Barber, who has advised over 50 governments on delivery and policy. He headed the first Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit under Tony Blair in the UK. He was later a partner at McKinsey as head of its global education practice. He also served as ​​Co-Chair of Centre for Public Impact, Boston Consulting Group's nonprofit foundation. At Delivery Associates he serves as chairman and in the delivery institute, advising the firm as a whole.

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Delivery Associates Careers

Delivery Associates has career opportunities for those interested in making a difference at the government level. Its first priority is that those on its team deeply care about the work being done and wholeheartedly believe in its purpose. Open positions vary from data analyst and project manager to engineer and product designer.

Firm Internship

Delivery Associates does not publish information about internships, but interested students could reach out to the firm directly to see if there are any opportunities.

Practice Areas

Delivery Associates practice areas are all pertaining to large problems facing the globe today, offering options to those with interest in particular relevant fields.

    • Economic development
    • Government effectiveness
    • Education
    • Global health
    • Covid-19
    • Climate change
    • Government spending

The model they follow for accomplishing what’s projected is as follows:

      • Ensuring policies are followed through on is essential to building trust with citizens and creating change
Measurement and evaluation
      • Tracking metrics and results through detailed assessments lets leaders know how effective their policies really are
DA Digital
      • Functioning tech systems are an integral ingredient in a smoothly run government
Delivery Institute
      • Delivery Associates’s community stays connected through their repository of knowledge which keeps people constantly training and learning

Delivery Associates Locations

Delivery Associates’s work takes place online, lending much flexibility to scheduling for most employees. Remote work means employees are able to make jobs work for them much easier than when they have to come into a physical office.

Exit Opportunities

Because Delivery Associates works with high level clients and often in government, the experience may lend itself well to building connections and a strong network. This could be advantageous in securing positions elsewhere when exiting Delivery Associates.

Target Schools

School recruiting isn’t a part of Delivery Associates’s practices, so interested parties should apply regardless of where they attend or have attended.

    • Harvard Kennedy School
    • University of Oxford
    • The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
    • Universidad del Pacífico (PE)
    • Georgetown University

Diversity Programs

Delivery Associates doesn’t have any programs for hiring dedicated to diversity, but the nature of its work requires a wide range of perspectives and viewpoints, offering a more enriching work environment for staff. Diversity and inclusion is important to Delivery Associates and they hold it as a value for the firm.

Delivery Associates Culture

Delivery Associates has created a positive, communicative culture that employees say keeps them engaged and inspired. Staff appreciate the transparency of leadership, mission-driven environment, and opportunities for growth. Schedules are fully remote, offering unique opportunities for flexibility. The stated purpose of the firm carries into all the work they do, and is felt and appreciated by employees.

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Delivery Associates Interview

Delivery Associates interviews involve several rounds, including HR, technical and case studies. The firm often starts with a behavioral interview followed by a case study and a presentation. Some applicants reported completing a competency interview and one with execute management as well.

Questions previous interviewees have been asked:

  • What were some of the outcomes of interventions done by Delivery Associates?
  • What would you grade yourself on a scale from 1 to 10?
  • Imagine you go to the mayor’s office, how would you sell this project to him?
  • At the end of the interview: what was one thing you think you did well and one thing you could improve on?
  • Why Delivery Associates?
  • How is working with government stakeholders different?

Delivery Associates Salary

Compensation at Delivery Associates is generous and staff are satisfied overall. Below are some examples of average salaries. See our salaries report for detailed comparisons on salaries at hundreds of firms.

  • Delivery leader: $184,533
  • Project leader: $136,146
  • Associate director: $187,113
  • Design consultant: $90,867


The work Delivery Associates does is widely considered to be making a tangible difference in the operation of governments. Given the amount of power governing bodies hold, the potential for impact is likely greater than what’s been realized thus far. With flexible remote options, purpose driven values, and opportunities for internal mobility, Delivery Associates is an appealing career option.

Make sure and contact us for help with your resume or case interview!


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