
Intro to Consulting: Podcast Series

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

There's a lot that goes into consulting - or more specifically, management consulting. Lingo, firm names, case interviews, different types of consulting - you name it. In this intro to consulting podcast series, we aim to provide a gentle introduction to the landscape, tackling 4 key questions along the way:

  1. What is consulting?
  2. What do consultants do?
  3. What are the most common consulting firms?
  4. How can you become a consultant?

If, by the end, you're convinced consulting is the place for you, check out our interview prep programs (i.e., Black Belt) and resources (use the "Free" button on the menu bar above) to help you maximize your chances of landing a consulting offer.

Let's get started.

What is "consulting" and what do consulting firms do? (Podcast 1 of 4)

This episode covers:

  • What management consulting is
  • How consulting firms operate
  • Why companies hire consulting firms
  • Examples of projects that consulting firms work on

Make sure to check out our resources linked below to help you land a consulting role!

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What do consultants spend their time on? (Podcast 2 of 4)

This episode focuses on answering the question, "What the heck do consultants do?"

We break down what specific activities consultants spend their time on (spoiler: Excel, Excel, Excel), bust 3 common myths, and touch on work-life balance in your first couple years in consulting.

Listen on Spotify - Strategy Simplified

Consulting Firms 101 (Podcast 3 of 4)

You know what consulting is and what consultants do. Now it’s time to shed light on the companies that are out there.

In this episode, Jenny Rae (ex-Bain) shares the different types of management consulting firms and who the top industry players are to help you decide where you might fit.

Listen on Spotify - Strategy Simplified

What are the 4 paths to a consulting career? (Podcast 4 of 4)

Convinced that management consulting is right for you - but not sure where to start? This episode is for you.

To close out this 'intro to consulting' series, we're sharing the 4 paths to consulting.

You'll walk away knowing:

  • Which path to take
  • When to recruit
  • Next steps

Looking for some expert help? Join our Black Belt case prep program.

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