
Introducing CareerWaze

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Career Waze - Letting AI Direct Your Learning

AI and tech are taking over every industry. In today’s day and age, a baseline knowledge of AI advances and technical skills are necessary tools in the consulting toolbelt. As a consultant, you’ll be an “expert for a day,” going into unfamiliar industries, quickly learning the ins and outs, conducting (lots) of research and analysis, and offering solutions to an organization’s toughest problems. With tech services playing a role in every industry, a baseline understanding is no longer optional.

Enter CareerWaze. CareerWaze is an online platform that - based off your desired learning outcomes - uses AI technology to scour the web and gather the most relevant online courses for the skills you want to learn. To take it a step further, the platform then creates a personalized learning plan for you. The platform started as a partnership with Upwork to provide continual learning opportunities for freelancers. However, more and more professionals are taking advantage of this excellent resource, and we believe it’s a valuable tool to add to your arsenal.

Below, we’ve reviewed CareerWaze based on the four criteria we determined were most important to our experience: Content, Relevance, Navigability, and Affordability.

1. Content

After you’re logged in as a user, topics featured to get you started include:

  •    Analysis
  •    Project Management
  •    Business Analysis
  •    Business Intelligence
  •    Process Improvement
  •    Data Modeling
  •    Presentation
  •    Financial Analysis
  •    Data Analysis
  •    Research Analysis

Additionally, CareerWaze, while currently a tech-focused platform, is designed to expand and is constantly vetting and adding new courses daily. In fact, they have recently added MC's courses to their offerings.

2. Relevance

Whether currently a consultant or leaving the field for a more tech-related role (pretty common), CareerWaze can be your right-hand man (or woman) offering you the best training resources for skills you’ll need to quickly ramp up or brush up on.

While you currently can’t search other general topics, CareerWaze has mastered the selected topics above, providing a smorgasbord of learning around each. Stay tuned as the site launches a new feature that will allow you to rate and discuss videos with other users, adding a communal aspect to your e-learning. The more you search, the better the AI gets at showing you relevant courses from amazing providers you may never have heard of before.

3. Navigability

The platform itself is very self explanatory, and there are three main rooms to navigate.

Explore: Here, you can search for skills and roles. Whether you know where you’re going and need to access the skills to get there, or if you have the skills and need to know where that’ll point you, a simple search will help you bridge the gap.

Learn: One you’ve explored, you’ll find yourself quickly compiling videos and topics you want to spend time on. This tab gives you the ability to create learning playlists, hosts the courses you’ve selected for further exploration, and even recommends additional learning for you.

Community: Finally, for verbal processors and those of you who like group learning, “Community” is your chat board for Q&A, relevant blog finds, and other discussions.

4. Affordability (Personal and Enterprise use)

CareerWaze is extremely affordable for individuals; in fact, it’s cheaper per month than what you spend on your favorite venti coffee every day. While you can still log on for free and find learning materials for yourself, for just $5.99/month, you have the ability to create your own playlists, Meetups, to explore new career roles based on your skills, and receive suggested career paths.

There’s also a free version! In this iteration of the platform, you can search for courses relevant for up to three skills (as opposed to the unlimited search subscribers get), join forums, search jobs, and receive learning recommendations. This is a great way to trial the platform, and gives you exposure to plenty of content until you’re ready to sign up and start building multiple skills.

If you’re serious about ongoing professional development, especially in the tech space, CareerWaze may be the platform you’ve been looking for.