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Management Consulted East Coast Tour – Fall 2015

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

When Willie Nelson wrote "On the Road Again," we're pretty sure he was talking about us! We kicked off our busy travel season with our annual East Coast Fall Tour to host events with consulting clubs from the University of Virginia, the University of Virginia Darden School of Business, and Harvard Business School.

Plus - we took a bonus trip to Arizona State University. (We know, we know...Arizona isn't exactly east coast. But for us Californians, everything is east!)

Where did we jet off to next? Well, UK & European readers - we got to see you too! Check out our upcoming UK Tour post to read about our visits to KCL, LSE, UCL, Durham and Manchester Business School - plus our open London Bootcamp.

If you were not at any of these schools and would love a fun-filled day with the MC team, invite us to host a Group Bootcamp at your school.


Our first stop was Arizona State University, where we enjoyed the beautiful campus and the best fried chicken we've ever had (we ate it so fast we didn't even have time to take a picture).

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At ASU, we enjoyed spending time with undergrads interested in consulting as well as students from the WP Carey School of Business. We were impressed by the quality and caliber of these students, and their ability to keep pace in a compressed all day bootcamp! Here are some of the testimonials we received afterward:

"By far the most engaging workshop I have been to at ASU. Great speaker, great points that are non-obvious. Thank you!"

"I was skeptical coming in to this session, but was quickly blown away by Jenny's enthusiasm and willingness to share useful, 'insider information.'"

"This program has really been illuminating in its detail and hands on approach. A lot of advice can be applied to so many situations outside the consulting industry too, which is incredibly useful in a lifehacks way."

"I was terrified of having to prepare a resume for a summer internship at a large firm such as Bain, McKinsey etc. Now I'm a lot more confident in submitting/preparing my resume."

The University of Virginia is always one of our favorite places to visit! Autumn weather and eager students hungry to learn about consulting are two of our favorite things!



We finished off our trip at Harvard Business School. We thoroughly enjoyed getting to interact with the students and help navigate them toward their dreams. In fact, we enjoyed it so much that we'll be back at Harvard next month!



That wraps up our East Coast Tour recap for the 2015 season. And don't forget to check back for our West Coast and UK Tour recaps, coming soon!