Do you stumble when asked why you'd be a great consultant? Do you sweat when nervously thinking about how Disney can expand its operations in Brazil? Does your mind spin when frantically estimating the number of rhesus monkeys in India? We know you said yes to at least 2 of those questions. We also know that even if you think you're set, the answer you imagine can definitely be better.

Learn more about the interview preparation course and guide that has helped thousands of applicants land offers at BCG, Accenture, and McKinsey.

Master fit questions, conquer case studies, and become the smartest interviewer in the room. Because in this economy, only the best will get job offers.

We've helped 1600+ people land interviews and offers in the consulting world (including such esteemed firms as McKinsey, Bain, BCG, Deloitte and Mercer). Through hours of live 1:1 interview prep sessions, we share insider tips - telling candidates exactly what consulting interview questions to expect, the difference between good and great case study responses, and the answer techniques that separate offerees from the rejects.

The Consulting Interview Bible is the self-study version of our 10-hour prep package - we tell you every secret we know about getting jobs at the world's best consulting firms.

Let's be honest - breaking into consulting is hard. It's harder to get an offer at a consulting firm once you've passed the resume screen than it is to get into MIT. You'll need every edge that you can get.

If you're super-impatient, you can click here to buy it now. Otherwise, feel free to continue reading.

"I've been a huge fan of your site for a few years now. I went to Chicago Booth, which is known for its strong career services office, and nothing at the school was as valuable as the info on your site and in the Consulting Interview Bible. Even though I'm in marketing, your advice is so pertinent to a variety of industries."

-Giulia, Chicago Booth alum

Here is a quick overview of what you'll find in The Consulting Interview Bible's fit, experiential, and case interview training course:

  • 300+ outline and instruction pages covering every conceivable topic central to consulting interviews - from general preparation tips to why interviewers ask specific fit questions, from tips on analyzing charts to bottom-up approaches for sizing questions.
  • Over 50 fit questions that you're guaranteed to hear in consulting interviews. Understanding them will enable you to destroy every consulting interview question you'll ever face.
  • 50+ pages of practical advice on cracking the case interview including 4 versatile frameworks that are easy to use to solve every case, every time.
  • 16 cases that you can do on your own or use to practice with a partner. These are based on realistic company problems, structured in the style of a 1:1 live interview, and include scoring keys modeled off those used at M/B/B. They're comprehensive, complex, and will be more challenging than any you'll face from the likes of Bain and BCG.

The Consulting Interview Bible not only provides specific tips on how to answer each question, but it tells you what the interviewer is looking for and offers example answers that you can emulate to craft your own response.

For serious applicants only: Buy it now and start conquering consulting

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Here's what people have been saying:

"I have offers from both Navigant and Accenture!"
"I bought your Consulting Interview Bible training course several weeks ago in a frantic, last-minute attempt to prepare for upcoming consulting interviews. I knew your course focused on strategy consulting - but after reading everything you covered, I figured much of the stuff would overlap with technology and operations consulting too. Am I glad I bought it!! Literally, like 1/3 of the fit questions were pulled straight from your course. I almost laughed out loud. The cases a few of the companies provided were more quantitative/featured more charts, but the way you broke down each answer and particularly, the right components for the answer, were really spot-on. And now I'm happy to announce...I have offers from both Navigant AND Accenture! Thanks again. I will be telling everyone at Haas that I know."

-David K., University student who broke into consulting

"I decided to give it a try...I knew I made the right decision"
The course itself is very comprehensive - especially the fit questions. I have to admit that I was initially skeptical because I've read other consulting prep books and have done a lot of prep already. But I decided to give it a try. After just reading the preface, I knew I made the right decision- you should consider putting the preface online because it answered my questions.I feel much more comfortable now. [...] Thanks!"

-Dave J., Grad student interested in healthcare consulting

Here are 5 preview pages - sample Table of Contents page, How to get the most out of this guide page, a sample fit interview page, a sample case interview guidelines page, and a sample case study page:






Wow, it looks pretty good. What else can you tell me?

Because you've read all the way here, we know you're curious about the exact insights that The Consulting Interview Bible offers. Here they are:

On the consulting interview process...

  • How firms use the 80/20 principle to weed out weak candidates (pgs. 13-14)
  • The real purpose behind the PST and how it's used (pgs. 22-24)
  • 4 factors that determine how your PST is evaluated (pgs. 23-24)
  • 8 tips for effective PST prep (pg. 25)
  • Why practicing your fit interviews before your case interviews makes sense (pg. 16)
  • The difference between fit interviews for undergrad vs. MBA vs. experienced hire (pgs. 19-20) 
  • Why you shouldn't believe McKinsey when they tell you the purpose of the group interview (pg. 21)
  • The 16 consulting interview tips to make yourself stand out before, during, and after (pgs. 16-18)
  • One phrase that everyone encourages you to use but you should never say in an actual interview (pg. 17)
  • The 5-minute investment on one skill that will make you better than 90% of interviewers (pg. 17)

On fit and experiential interview questions...

  • 4 secrets to answer any fit question that the best interviewers instinctively know (pg. 27)
  • Why your business background pre-MBA can hurt you, and how to prevent this from happening (pg. 41)
  • The 2/4 point structure for resume questions - and how to use this framework for any fit question (pg. 29)
  • What to never say when discussing why you turned down return offers (pg. 33)
  • 5 personal qualities that consultants universally respect and that you must convey (pg. 44)
  • The worst mistake you can make when answering questions about your future (pg. 44)
  • How to build rapport through your responses to personality questions (pgs. 46-50)
  • 1 topic you must avoid when asked about any question, and particularly about failures (pg. 49)
  • An example response that we'd actually be comfortable giving for "greatest weakness" (pgs. 25-26)
  • The 3 questions that if you're not asked, then we were never consultants (pgs. 53-56)
  • The one component that people always miss when discussing their leadership (pg. 57)
  • The toughest question you'll encounter - and a response that will leave the interviewer eager to work with you(pgs. 57-58)
  • 3 traits to demonstrate a sincere interest in the firm and the industry (pg. 64)
  • 2 topics you shouldn't discuss when asked why you're interested in management consulting (pgs. 64-65)
  • One critical way to explain a move overseas (or, for international applicants, a move to the U.S.) (pgs. 73-74)
  • The 3 checkmarks you must earn in explaining your career change to consulting (pg. 77)
  • How to sound like a consultant when asked about specific companies and industries (pgs. 81-82)
  • What you should never say when asked questions about your recruiting status (pg. 90)
  • A bullet-proof gameplan for preparing for any fit question (pgs. 98-99) 

On sizing questions and mini case studies...

  • Why sizing questions can be trickier than case studies (pg. 159)
  • 4 reasons why they're asked - and the tips that will help you master them (pgs. 159-160)
  • Example questions that you can ask to sound smart without annoying the interviewer
  • Multiple approaches to each question so you see the best solution possible
  • The one test that you must know and use with each answer (pg. 160)
  • How to be 80/20...without being 50/10 (pg. 159)

On case studies...

  • 5 case study principles that the best interviewers know by heart (pgs. 100-101)
  • 4 frameworks that must be memorized...and will be used repeatedly (pgs. 128-129)
  • What the best interviewers do that automatically makes you sound like a consultant
  • Insider secrets of the scoring system revealed (pgs. 115-127)
  • Detailed breakdown of the anatomy of a case (pgs. 108-114)
  • Debunking the myths about interviewer-led vs. interviewee-led cases (pgs. 108-109)
  • Bad habits to avoid when practicing alone (pg. 107)
  • Example differences between good answers and truly distinctive responses (pg. 119)
  • The 3 components of a summary response - aka, the elevator test (pg. 125-126)
  • Facts and figures that will kill your chances if you don't now them (pgs. 146-149)
  • When getting the answer right can work against you (pg. 150)
  • Example questions you can ask to sound smart for each case
  • Prompts your mock interviewer can use during 1:1 case practice
  • Suggestions on creative responses - so you can be both structured and out-of-the-box
  • Quantitative questions that cover market size, marginal profit, fixed and variable costs, and other key concepts that you must know

The Consulting Interview Bible doesn't just teach you how to land consulting jobs.

It teaches you how to communicate better, because every professional interaction you have is like an interview. As you think about that, where in life could you use better communication skills?

The Consulting Interview Bible has come a long way.

The first edition started out as a 60-page guide. In the second edition we expanded to a 100-page course complete with supplemental materials, exhibits, fit/experiential/case study methods, and practice exercises. In the third edition we just released, it's finally a 300-page mega-guide on consulting fit and case interviews.

This all sounds great. What's the cost?

The total price for The Consulting Interview Bible is $50.

It's a fit, experiential, and case interview training course that is instantly delivered to you minutes after you order.

After your purchase, you can download it immediately. No hassle with shipping.

For a limited time only, you can get The Consulting Interview Bible FREE when you buy MC's Consulting Case Bank550+ cases you can use to test the new skills you'll pick up after reading The Consulting Interview Bible.

"I just received an offer from their [BCG] Dubai office"
"First off, thanks for even putting a site like this together. When I came across it as an email forward on a Booth mailing list, I began reading every article that I could. I read through what you were promising for The Consulting Bible, and you convinced me to buy it. I started going through all the questions - in particular, the sizing questions because I'm weak in them and never confident in my assumptions. I finished my final rounds with BCG several days ago, and just received an offer from their Dubai office! Thanks again - without the confidence that your methods and guidance engendered, I really don't think I would've been as comfortable in particularly the final round interviews."
-Shirley S., Business school student who broke into consulting

Some last thoughts:

The Consulting Interview Bible is priced low for 3 reasons:

1. We are rewarding dedicated readers - you've stayed with us as Management Consulted has grown by obscene amounts.

2. We want people to get at least 10 times their money's worth. Why? We want offers. Period.

3. We want to get it into as many people's hands as possible. Hopefully, when you get your golden opportunity, you'll work with us on interview prep.

The customer reviews speak for themselves. We've invested hundreds of hours to make sure that each individual page is insightful, informative, and doesn't waste your time.

Get The Consulting Interview Bible today and learn the secrets of getting a job at Bain, BCG, and McKinsey!

Payments are processed through PayPal, which is 100% safe and secure.

Click to purchase! Remember, it's a PDF that's delivered electronically. Buy it now, and you'll have it open in less than 2 minutes.

Additional questions:

Will The Consulting Interview Bible be helpful for senior positions?

Absolutely. The tips for each section and many of the consulting interview questions will be similar. There's even a dedicated section on questions for experienced hires/career changers.

I'm interviewing for IT/technology consulting positions. How can the course help me?

Your interview will naturally differ from the strategy consulting model - but they will ask questions about your resume, your background, your preparation for the job, etc. All are covered in these course materials.

Why are there no "technical questions"?

Unlike finance, management consulting interviews rarely ask technical questions. The closest you'll come are questions about current business topics and the occasional brainteaser (both of which are included). The technical skills needed for consulting are tested in sizing questions and case studies - which The Consulting Interview Bible discusses in-depth.

Is The Consulting Interview Bible available on popular e-book platforms like Kindle or Nook?

Coming soon, yes.

Can I buy the course and supplemental materials in print?

Yes, coming soon - but we believe the speed and flexibility of the online version is superior. You can start practicing consulting interview questions in less than 5 minutes!

What even more customers have been saying:

"I live in Australia, just got an offer call from Bain this past Friday. Used your Consulting Interview Bible. Thank you for creating it -- perhaps the best $$ I've ever spent. For fit / behavioral questions, it was really spot on. I can't recall how many times during the interview process people either said, "tell me about xxx in your resume" or "tell me about a time when xxx;" -- although the questions weren't always exactly the ones in The Consulting Interview Bible, my prepared hero stories / answers to the questions in the MC course were enough that I was able to handle every behavioral q that came up during the entire interview process."

-Ronjon, who received an offer from Bain Australia

"Hello, I have been reading your website for a while, and have purchased your Consulting Interview Bible. I just received an offer to Booz Allen Hamilton, it is for an engineering/tech role. Thanks for providing a great resource!"

-Azum, who received an offer from BAH

Click here to buy it now and start landing consulting jobs!