Resume + Cover Letter Edits
Stand out to your first-choice consulting firms through:
  • Two rounds of resume edits by ex-MBB consultants with deep resume editing experience, plus:
  • Two rounds of cover letter edits to tell your story effectively
We know what consulting firms look for – we’ll take the time to get to know your unique story to increase your odds of landing an interview.

See Our Resume Transformation Process

Don’t miss the train to your next opportunity

Six seconds. That’s how long most reviewers will look at your resume before deciding whether it makes the cut. In six seconds, your resume has to show that you have what firms are looking for in four key areas: Education, Work Experience, Leadership and Personal Story.

To pass this test, your resume has to prove that you possess the transferable skills that give you the potential to grow into a top performer. But, most applicants fall into one of the following traps:

  • They’re unfamiliar with consulting resume expectations
  • They apply blindly through online job postings
  • They assume that their existing resume works for consulting
  • They don’t convey relevant, transferable skills
  • They fail to show an ability to drive change
  • They're emphasize weaknesses by trying to explain shortcomings
  • They waste time on minutiae that doesn’t move the needle
  • They self-sabotage by applying for the wrong roles
  • They undersell themselves

Under 10% of applicants at firms like McKinsey, Bain, and BCG are ever called for an interview. For over 10 years, Management Consulted has been helping candidates from every background imaginable land interviews at top consulting firms. We can help you too.

Any of this sound familiar?

“I can’t compete with other applicants.”

Most applicants aren’t limited by their experience - they’re limited by how they communicate it. Fortunately, we “speak consultant” and will help you stand out.

“I can figure this out myself.”

Can you land an interview at MBB without working with us? Yes. Will you pay for it in wasted time, lost opportunities, and extra stress? Probably.

“My current resume has worked before.”

Top firms are inundated with resumes and the margin for error is razor thin. If you can’t immediately show the skills firms want, expect your resume to land in the garbage.

“I’m out of time and need help fast.”

If you’re in a rush, we can turn around a first draft in just 48 hours (extra fee applies). We’ll help you put your best foot forward, even when up against a looming deadline.

“I’m changing careers.”<br>“My background is unique.”

We’ve helped former monks, soldiers, and ballerinas land consulting offers. Chances are, we’ve helped someone in your situation get a foot in the door.

“I want a personalized rewrite, not a template.”

We take time to get to know you. Our in-house experts do the actual editing work and your transformed resume is tailored to your goals.

We’ve helped candidates land interviews at 170+ firms, including:

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Your New Resume Will Help You:

FEEL CONFIDENT that you’re set up to succeed

TELL your story in a compelling and effective way

STAND OUT from thousands of other applicants

EMPHASIZE top consulting firms’ most desired skills

OPEN DOORS that would otherwise be closed to you

HIGHLIGHT your trustworthiness, credibility and experience

Maximize Your Chances to Win the Interview, With:

Why Management Consulted?

We’re Making The Changes, Not You

Many other resume services just give suggestions or make small tweaks. Our expert team directly makes the changes to your docs. Relax and let us do the heavy lifting for you.

Experienced Enough to Know, Small Enough to Care

Over the past decade, we’ve helped thousands of clients land interviews for their dream consulting role. We’re specialists in the consulting space, not a generic resume mill producing nonspecific documents.

No Templates or Boilerplates Here

We’re 100% template free. When you work with us, an expert editor individually reviews and transforms your resume to spotlight your unique experience and strengths. Our relationships within the industry keep us up-to-date on what firms are looking for now.

We Take Time To Understand You

Your resume is highly personal - a cookie-cutter approach isn’t going to cut it. We work collaboratively with you to draw out strengths you didn’t even realize you had and impactful metrics that will turn heads.

Thousands of Satisfied Clients and Transformed Careers

Thank you very much for the edits! Compared to my original submission, the edit looks much stronger. When I read the original resume compared to the final version, you would think two different candidates are applying for the role! I greatly appreciate all you have done.

NYU Masters candidate

I am truly impressed with the transformation! The changes you made are outstanding. I sincerely appreciate your support throughout the application process. Your guidance and expertise have been invaluable... I'm excited to move forward with my application.

Babson College Undergrad

Thank you for working with me on the resume edits. I am very happy and impressed with the level of edits of my resume by the team and I was selected for an interview for the Bain's ADvantage Internship.

Advanced Degree Candidate who got Bain invite

Hello, thanks again for the quick turnaround. I must say you guys did an incredible job! Really impressed... what a transformation! Feeling quite good about what we have. :)

Manager at a boutique
consulting firm

I am pretty blown away at how far this resume came from beginning to end. I have learned so much and I am better able to think and communicate like a consultant… I am very satisfied with all of your comments and help so far.

Incoming MBA who
received multiple M7 offers

The resume edit was the single best thing I did to prepare for both recruiting processes…I got interviews almost everywhere….Thanks for making me look like the competitive candidate I knew I could be!

A junior at Stanford

Thank you for the excellent breakdown and rebuild of the letter with the great explanations! This is exactly why I reached out to a professional and you delivered what was promised.

Jason, PhD applying to Bain

I have received an interview to almost every firm… my resume and cover letter were excellent. In fact, some of the smaller firms created a summer internship position or opened a full-time role to meet my application.

Gerald, MBA

I just wanted to let you know I got several offers with the edited resume and ending up doing a lateral to BCG as a Principal.

Big 4 Senior Manager
who transitioned to
BCG Principal

How do I get started?

Step 1:
Purchase your resume transformation package

You’ve worked hard - your resume should reflect it. Get two rounds of edits on your resume and cover letter from our team of expert editors. We know what recruiters and hiring managers are looking for and will fight to maximize your odds of receiving an interview invite.

Step 2:
Share your resume and target roles

Our editing team will tailor their approach to your experience and future goals. We will help you tell your story in a way that makes recruiters and hiring managers do a double-take.

Step 3:
Our experts re-write your resume

Where the magic happens. We go over your resume from top to bottom and transform the content, structure, format, tone, and metrics to spotlight the value you will deliver as a consultant.

Step 4:
Provide additional information

Time to fill in the blanks. We return your “in-progress” resume with our first round of changes. Areas where we need more information or are missing key metrics will be marked. Once you’ve provided your input, just send it back to us.

Step 5:
We finalize the resume

Ready to shine. We incorporate your input to put the finishing touches on your new resume. We make sure that every detail is covered so that the final resume can be shared immediately with your network and used for applications.

Step 6:
Get ready for interviews

Congratulations! Now that your resume and cover letter are ready, the the next step is the interview. Hopefully, you’ve already been preparing for the case interview, one of the most challenging steps in the recruiting process. If not, check out our industry-leading interview prep program: Black Belt.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our standard turnaround time is 3-4 business days per round. We can accommodate a shorter turnaround if needed. Expedited 48-hour turnaround, even over the weekend, costs an extra $150 and can be added to your package at checkout. The extra fee is only charged once, even if you need both your resume and cover letter expedited.

  • Yes! Purchase just a resume edit for $350.

  • First, we provide EDITS – not reviews. We do the work for you instead of telling you what you should do.

    Second, we provide 2 rounds of edits – we work with you and incorporate your insights, feedback and data in between rounds.

    Finally, we focus on your story – we don’t cram you into a mold, but make you stand out on your own personal merits. And if that’s not enough…read our testimonials. They are all unprompted – clients are thrilled with our services, and we grow through both organic requests and a giant mountain of referrals every year.

Have more questions? We can help.