
Product Manager Internship

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A product manager internship is often the first step to a rewarding career in product management. It is a helpful and illuminating opportunity for aspiring product managers to begin to understand the full breadth of the product management role and function within a business. Product management is a complex and demanding field, with product managers often being responsible for the success or failure of a product. As a result, product manager internships are an excellent way to gain the skills and experience needed to succeed in this competitive field. By working closely with experienced product managers, product manager interns can learn about the product development process from start to finish. In addition, internships provide an opportunity to network with industry professionals and learn about the latest trends and technologies. So, if you're looking to gain the skills and experience needed to take your career to the next level, a product manager internship could be the perfect option for you.

Product Manager Internship

What’s To Gain from A Product Manager Internship?

Product manager internships are an excellent way to gain the skills and experience needed to excel in this fast-paced and challenging field. Because product management is a cross functional discipline that not all companies offer and which not all business programs focus on, it’s sometimes challenging to build a resume that communicates your ability to succeed in the field. Obviously, a direct product management internship can solve this problem.

While product management is a relatively new field, it has become increasingly popular in recent years as businesses have come to recognize the importance of having a dedicated product manager on staff to nurture new or optimize old products. As a result, there is a growing demand for product managers with the skills and experience necessary to successfully launch and manage product lines.

Product manager internships provide an excellent opportunity for professionals interested in pursuing a career as a product manager. Internships typically last between 8-12 weeks, and during that time, product manager interns will work closely with experienced product managers to learn the ins and outs of the job. In addition, interns can work on real-world projects and gain exposure to the latest PM tools and techniques. Product management internships are an excellent way for professionals interested in pursuing a career as a product manager to gain the skills and experience they need to be successful.

Who might be the best fit for an internship? Typically, product manager internships are reserved for MBA candidates at top programs to complete between the summer of their first and second years. There are exceptions, which we’ll highlight below.

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Product Manager Career Path

For many people, the product manager career path is one of the most appealing and exciting options out there. And with good reason - product managers are responsible for managing and developing product lines, overseeing production, and ensuring that products meet customer needs. It's a role that offers a lot of responsibility, autonomy, and opportunity for creativity. It is often the first step to a general management type position at a company.

If you're interested in pursuing a career in product management, then an internship is a great place to start. An internship will give you the chance to learn about the product development process, gain exposure to the various stakeholders involved in bringing a product to market and get a feel for the day-to-day reality of being a product manager. After an internship, many product managers go on to work in product development or marketing roles. Others move into management positions, either within their company or at another organization. Still, others use their skills and experience to launch their own startups. Wherever your career takes you, an internship is a great way to get started on the product manager career path.

Top Product Manager Internships

These 5 companies offer exceptional product manager internships:

Apple- The Product Design internship with Apple is a year-long, on-site internship in Cupertino, CA. Applicants must be enrolled in a BS, MS, or PhD program in Materials Science, Mechanical Engineering, or a similar field. Product experience with Apple will make any resume stand out.

Tesla- The 100+ internships at Tesla provide valuable experience in areas related to product management, such as Operations & Business Support, Design, and others. Tesla is a high-profile company and leveraging experience from here can be highly beneficial to aspiring product managers. For example, the company is currently offering a 2023 product management internship based in beautiful Santa Monica.

Meta- Meta offers positions specifically for aspiring product managers in either Menlo Park or Seattle. This is a great option for anyone who has already graduated with a BS or MS degree.

Microsoft- While Microsoft offers fewer, more competitive internships, they very clearly offer internship programs focused on product management. This would be a great place to land for aspiring product managers in the technology space.

General Electric Healthcare- Not all product manager internship positions are in technology, of course. GE Healthcare offers an interesting product marketing internship position, that, obviously, focused more on the marketing elements of product management.

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A product management internship can be a great way to gain the skills and experience you need to become a successful product manager. By working closely with experienced product managers, you'll learn how to identify and solve problems, develop and launch new products, and manage product portfolios.

In addition, product manager interns can network with other product professionals, which will open doors to future career opportunities. While internships are sometimes unpaid, this is becoming less common. At top tech companies, a product manager internship salary will just be a pro-rated amount of the full-time, entry-level product manager salary.

In short, a product management internship can be an invaluable investment in your future career. So, if you're looking to take your product management career to the next level, consider applying for a product management internship. Work with our expert team to prepare your resume and cover letter!

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