1244 Results for 'case interview'


Case Interview Sitemap

Case Interview Case Interview 101 Sample case interviews Case Interview Help 6 Types of Case Interviews: Why You Need to Know Each One Case Interview structure Breaking Down Case Interview Frameworks – Profitability Breaking Down Case Interview Frameworks - M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) Advanced Case Tactics: Interviewer- vs. Interviewee-Led Case Interviews 5 Expert Tactics to…

Market Study: Case Interview Frameworks

To continue our series on case interview frameworks, we bring you our personal favorite – and the most versatile – the Market Study case interview framework. This is the third article in our series on Frameworks! In the first article of the series, we gave you a brief introduction to frameworks before exploring Market Sizing…

Profitability: Case Interview Framework

Welcome to our series on using case interview frameworks to break down consulting case interviews. Today, we're looking at the profitability case interview framework, which is probably the most important. *In case you missed it - in our first article, we provided an overview of frameworks and how you can use them to solve any…

Advanced Case Tactics: Interviewer vs. Interviewee-Led Case Interviews

Last month, we reviewed the nuances of case interview anatomy, emphasizing how interviewer- and interviewee-led interviews have similar case anatomy. If you’re new to the world of management consulting, or if you haven’t been around it for very long, you’ve probably noticed you have a lot to learn. Fit interviews, case interviews, frameworks, and 80/20:…

Business Book Review: Case Interview Secrets

In the case interview prep world, Victor Cheng has risen to a household name in the last 5 years. His book Case Interview Secrets is one of our recommendations for those looking to break in to the industry.  A Stanford graduate who worked in consulting during his early career, Victor Cheng speaks from his experience as…

5 Expert Tactics to Master the Case Interview

To the uninitiated, the case interview can be more than a little bit terrifying. The main point of the case interview is to provide you with an opportunity to show the interviewer the great job you’d do if they hired you today and set you straight to work. Part of that, is showing them your…

Market Sizing Questions – Breaking Down Case Interview Frameworks

Welcome back to our case interview frameworks series, giving you a step-by-step approach to solve any case that’s set before you. If you haven’t read our first article yet, we encourage you to go back and read it before continuing. Think of this as your Market Sizing Cheat Sheet, as well as your guide for…

Intro to Case Interview Frameworks

Welcome to Intro to Case Frameworks. As you’ve likely already figured out, the case interview is a very unusual creature. The process was created as a means of testing your on-the-job potential as a consultant. But some say they’re more like the microwave version of a crock pot recipe! On the job, you may have…

Case Interview Scoring System: Insider’s Look

  Sandy Lerner, co-founder of Cisco Systems, once summed up consulting interviews perfectly when she said, “The first rule of any game is to know you’re in one.” If you’re anything like us, when you play, you play to win. In the research you’ve been doing into the wild world of management consulting, you should…

Launching the Consulting Case Interview Bootcamp – Online

At MC, we spend a lot of time enjoying life. In our free time, we dream up new ways to effectively equip prospective consultants so they ace the process and get their dream job. Over the years, we've come up with a lot of really great stuff; our success has amazed even us. What started off as…