1244 Results for 'case interview'


How to Get Consulting Jobs from a Liberal Arts and Humanities Background

*courtesy of toothpaste for dinner*  Liberal arts and humanities majors are often criticized for being "soft majors" - with unchallenging classes and lack of "real world" skill development leaving them unable to land competitive business jobs. Fortunately for all the budding English and Philosophy majors out there, that's simply not true. It's very common for…

Networking at Management Consulting Company Presentations

how to get your ex girlfriend back I summarized the management consulting recruiting process in this post. This is the beginning of my deep-dives on each piece of that recruiting process and will be focused on the “execution specifics” - showing you exactly how to master the recruiting process. The overview: Far more common if you’re currently in school (undergraduate, MBA) where consulting firms ranging…

Welcome to New Readers

Received an influx of new readers in the last few days, thanks to some link love from fellow bloggers. Thanks to Marquis first and foremost, who is both a fellow Stanford grad and fellow ex-McKinsey consultant. He regularly blogs about management consulting and MBA issues and has sensible, smart advice for just about everything career-related.…

Management Consulting versus Investment Banking

Management Consulting or Investment Banking? This is an important question for prospective applicants (in particular, undergrad/MBA students) looking for summer internships and full-time jobs alike. The decision was easier for Kevin (our founder) than for most people. The cons of investment banking - the long hours, the repetitive and unengaging nature of the work, the…

Top 10 Consulting Resume Tips from the Experts

Here are our top 10 tips on creating a killer consulting resume. Before we get started, here's one secret to how management consultants look at resumes - their primary criteria are STRONG ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE, STRONG WORK EXPERIENCE (includes extracurriculars if you're still in college), and LEADERSHIP. There are variations, of course - leadership can be…

Your one-stop consulting rock star resource!

Sean has over two decades of leadership in software development and delivery transformation experience predominantly in Financial Services sector. As an agile practitioner, coach and trainer, Sean holds senior advisory roles in a number of global 500 firms, advocating enterprise agile transformation to a number of senior leadership teams and board of directors in banking…