1244 Results for 'case interview'
Case Interview Bootcamp
Our revolutionary case solving system includes:
- 32 lessons - Comprehensive case interview coverage, broken down into categories to aid with the learning process
- 12+ hours of video - Dynamic teaching and example videos
- 8 case walkthrough videos - See us solve a case on camera!
- 4 case structure example videos - See an MBB consultant structure a case on camera, and watch how they verbally communicate it
- Homework - This is the most important part of the course - when you take what we teach you and put it into practice on your own, step-by-step
- Expert videos - Watch former MBB consultants tackle cases and learn from them
- Includes access to the MC Case Library and Mental Math for Consulting
- Math and structure drills
Advanced Case Interviews – A Video Overview
This is the 2nd installment of a two-part overview. If you haven't already gone through the first part, we recommend you start there. Now that you have a basic understanding of what a case interview is – you know their purpose, format, and structure – it's time to move on to the meatier topics. As…
Types of Case Interviews: 6 Must Knows
There are multiple types of case interviews you must pass before landing a coveted job offer. That's right - writing the perfect resume and preparing for the fit interview are just the beginning of your work! Just as there's always a dragon to slay before rescuing the princess, there's a case interview process to master…
Case Interview Course
Case Interview Course. Includes the Consulting Bible Third Edition and access to the Case Bank.
6 top case interview questions – answered!
Many of you this month are heading into interviews for summer internships - our inbox is testimony! Tons of eager undergrad and MBA consulting candidates have been emailing us with interview questions about interview tips, case prep pointers, and our consulting interview prep services, so we'll start off by giving you a clear explanation of…
Reader FAQ: Cracking case interviews, why we don’t outsource and the merits of a JD/MBA
In the next couple of weeks, we're giving away some great stuff. Subscribe here if you're not already privy to the special content/deals we offer. Today, we cover a series of questions about case interviews, review the merits relative to consulting for the JD/MBA, and explain some of our service philosophy (including why we don't…
Case Interviews Category
Case Interviews Category Case Interview Overview 6 Types of Case Interviews: Why You Need to Know Each One Breaking Down Case Interview Frameworks – Profitability Advanced Case Tactics: Interviewer- vs. Interviewee-Led Case Interviews 5 Expert Tactics to Master the Case Interview Consulting Case Anatomy – A Simple Breakdown Intro to Case Interview Frameworks Breaking Down…
The Consulting Interview Bible – Dominate Your McKinsey, Bain and BCG Fit and Consulting Case Interviews
Do you stumble when asked why you'd be a great consultant? Do you sweat when nervously thinking about how Disney can expand its operations in Brazil? Does your mind spin when frantically estimating the number of rhesus monkeys in India? We know you said yes to at least 2 of those questions. We also know that even if you think you're set, the answer you…
Good reads from the consulting blogosphere, plus a great site for case interview preparation
Readers will notice that the posting rate here at MC has slowed a bit recently. Have been working on several related projects (the Consulting Bible among them) and will be excited to share with everyone soon! Until then take a look at the case interview reads we've collected from the consulting blogosphere. Later today, I'll…
Case Interview 101: Powerful Tips To Launch Your Success
In previous posts, we've discussed interviews, resumes, and the general recruiting process. Today, we want to touch upon one of the most important but often overlooked aspects of the interview process - the case interview, and even non-standard case interview questions. What is a Case Interview? If there’s one question on the mind of every…
Change Management Case Study Interview
Companies undergoing significant organizational changes often utilize all resources possible to ensure a smooth transition. To this end, experienced change management consultants are increasingly engaged to assist with planning and execution of these change management activities. This has led to a rise in the utilization of change management cases during consulting interviews. This article aims…