1244 Results for 'case interview'


Oliver Wyman Case Interview: A Comprehensive Guide

An Oliver Wyman case interview is an integral part of the recruitment process for those seeking a consulting position at this renowned firm. These interviews revolve around specific business problems the firm has helped clients solve in the past and require candidates to exhibit problem-solving skills, an understanding of business concepts, and the ability to…

McKinsey Airline Industry Case Interview Example

In this McKinsey case interview example, Management Consulted coach and former McKinsey Associate Partner Divya Agarwal leads a 4th-year PhD candidate (Electrical Engineering at the University of Virginia) through a case interview. The case features an airplane manufacturer looking to reverse a decline in profitability. Find the session recording below, and write to us with…

McKinsey First Round Case Interview Example (Singapore Art Museum)

In this McKinsey first round case interview example, Management Consulted coach and former BCG consultant Alessandro Furlotti leads a PhD candidate through a mock case interview. The case features an art institution in Singapore looking to counteract a decrease in government funding through a focus on increasing profitability through commercial activities. Are you ready for…

How To Show Up Well In Case Interviews (With Tripp Twyman)

This fun and fast-paced conversation with Tripp Twyman (ex-BCG and current MC interview coach) covers: How Tripp broke into BCG Soft skills to highlight and develop to stand out in case interviews The power of executive presence - how to carry yourself in the interview and on the job What a day-in-the-life of a consultant…