Specialized Masters Programs Directory
Considering a specialized masters program? Check out MC’s Specialized Masters Programs Directory. Here you will find a list of the top US business schools (as ranked by U.S. News & World Report) with information on the programs offered at each school. Whether your search is just beginning or you know exactly the degree you’re looking for, you’re in the right place!
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School Name
Location |
MC Partner
Columbia Business School | New York, NY | https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/ | 6 | Y |
Foster School of Business | Seattle, WA | https://foster.uw.edu/ | 17 | Y |
Fuqua School of Business | Durham, NC | https://www.fuqua.duke.edu/ | 6 | Y |
Goizueta Business School | Atlanta, GA | https://goizueta.emory.edu/ | 15 | Y |
Haas School of Business | Berkeley, CA | https://haas.berkeley.edu/programs/ | 4 | N |
Kelley School of Business | Bloomington, IN | https://kelley.iu.edu/ | 16 | Y |
Kellogg School of Management | Evanston, IL | https://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/programs/ms-management-studies.aspx | 7 | N |
McCombs School of Business | Austin, TX | https://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/ | 14 | Y |
McDonough School of Business | Washington, DC | https://msb.georgetown.edu/ | 18 | Y |
Mendoza College of Business | Notre Dame, IN | https://mendoza.nd.edu/ | 21 | Y |
MIT Sloan School of Management | Cambridge, MA | https://mitsloan.mit.edu/ | 4 | Y |
NYU Stern School of Business | New York, NY | https://www.stern.nyu.edu/ | 8 | N |
Olin Business School | St. Louis, MO | https://olin.wustl.edu/EN-US/Pages/default.aspx | 22 | Y |
Owen Graduate School of Management | Nashville, TN | https://business.vanderbilt.edu/ | 24 | Y |
Rice Business School- Jones | Houston, TX | https://business.rice.edu/ | 20 | N |
Ross School of Business | Ann Arbor, MI | https://michiganross.umich.edu/ | 7 | Y |
Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management | Ithaca, NY | https://www.johnson.cornell.edu/ | 9 | N |
Scheller College of Business | Atlanta, GA | https://www.scheller.gatech.edu/index.html | 23 | N |
Stanford MSx Program | Stanford, CA | https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/programs/msx/contact | 1 | Y |
Tepper School of Business | Pittsburgh, PA | https://www.cmu.edu/tepper/ | 11 | N |
UCLA Anderson School of Management | Los Angeles, CA | https://www.anderson.ucla.edu/ | 10 | N |
UNC Kenan Flagler | Chapel Hill, NC | https://www.kenan-flagler.unc.edu/ | 13 | N |
USC Marshall School of Business | Los Angeles, CA | https://www.marshall.usc.edu/ | 12 | Y |
Warrington College of Business | Gainesville, FL | https://warrington.ufl.edu/ | 19 | N |
Yale School of Management | New Haven, CT | https://som.yale.edu/programs/master-s-degree-in-global-business-and-society/admissions/m2m-programs | 5 | N |