This page is your one-stop shop to get a sneak peek at what's coming and mark your calendar for intensives, live interviews, free case walkthroughs, firm application deadlines and more.

We open up registration to MC events first for those on our email list. Subscribe below to be in the know.

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September 2023

September 18

L.E.K. PhD Analyst application deadline - get a resume edit and learn more

September 19, 12PM ET

Consulting live Q&A session with the MC team - register here and submit your questions

September 21, 12PM ET

Live case interview led by Abi Chen, MC case coach and former Bain consultant - register for free

September 21, 3PM ET

Executive Summary - Don't Risk Losing Your Audience (free workshop; register now)

September 21, 4PM ET

Destination Booz Allen -- Start Your Career Journey event - register here


Consulting & Case Interview Q&A


McKinsey Associate Intern (internship) application deadline for advanced degree candidates - get a resume edit and apply now

October 2023


Strategy Sprint Q&A

October 4

Bates White application deadline for Consultant and Summer Consultant roles - learn more and apply

November 2023


MBA Case Prep Kickoff Call