Experience a Live Consulting Project

Explore Consulting, Strengthen Your Resume, and Serve a Real Client

What is Strategy Sprint?

Find out if consulting is right for you...

“Should I pursue a career in consulting?” If you’re asking yourself this question, you’re not alone. However, there’s only one real way to know - to try it out! And until now, there hasn’t been an accessible way for you to do just that.

The consulting recruiting process is tremendously competitive and requires a sizable investment of time, effort, and intentionality. And when you get an offer, the consulting lifestyle can be intense, with long hours and often frequent travel. It’s not for everyone.

Wouldn’t it be better to experience a consulting project firsthand before committing to months of networking, applications, and interview preparation? Now you can.

Strategy Sprint gives you a taste of an actual strategy consulting engagement, starting with 10 hours of pre-project training. Then, you’re staffed on a team of six led by a former MBB consultant. Together, you’ll work to solve the most pressing challenge facing a real-world business.

...And build your resume at the same time.

Competition for open consulting roles is fierce. Recruiters make decisions between highly accomplished candidates based on incredibly fine margins.

In short, candidates with a demonstrated interest in consulting and relevant real-world experience are the ones who stand out.

If you want to bolster your resume with real-world consulting experience and signal to firms that you’re serious about breaking into the field, Strategy Sprint is for you. As a Strategy Sprint consultant, you’ll own a major piece of analysis, interact with the client, and play an instrumental role in putting the final recommendation together. As a result, you’ll build core consulting skills on top of receiving daily mentorship from your MBB project leader.

At the end of your Strategy Sprint project, you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion, and we’ll even help you integrate the Strategy Sprint experience into your resume.

Strategy Sprint will:

BOLSTER your resume with experience that stands out

SOLIDIFY your sense of whether consulting is right for you

IMPROVE your consulting skills

INCREASE your confidence in your experience

FAMILIARIZE you with the flow of an MBB client engagement

ENABLE you to point to real-world client impact you’ve driven

Strategy Sprint Has Helped Set Hundreds Up For Consulting Success

I just did the meatiest part of a summer program at a top consulting firm and I must say, Strategy Sprint really prepped me well and helped me stand out as a top performer on my team... The project leader told me my approach was most similar to what they use at the firm! Thanks so much for all your help!

Advanced degree candidate who landed BCG offer

I learned more in this single “course” than in the first semester of my masters program.

MBA candidate

This experience provided me with confidence, assurance, and a feel of ease for the upcoming interview process. Thank you so much!

Incoming MBA who received multiple M7 offers

I learned more than I ever thought I would interacting with clients and team members while tackling real world problems.

MBA candidate

The skills you learn and develop in Strategy Sprint are useful across the board, regardless of industry or profession. Do it!

MBA candidate

The project was a great challenge! Definitely stretched my abilities in terms of knowledge and understanding, and increased my appreciation for consulting! I will be exploring areas of consulting that will leverage my experience and expand my career options!

Mid-career professional transitioning into consulting

Strategy Sprint introduced concepts and provided an experience to a level that pleasantly surprised me! I am progressing on this [consulting] journey because I am confident now that I'm heading the right way.

Engineering PhD

Strategy Sprint provided a nice preview of the consulting world to me. It also helped me understand basic principles of how consultants generally think.

Undergraduate student

Thank you for convincing me to join this experience. It’s been great working and learning with the team and getting all the great feedback throughout the process, and it’s been great working with my multifaceted project leader.

Experienced hire targeting consulting roles

How is Strategy Sprint Different?

Mentorship from a former MBB Consultant

There’s no better way to learn consulting than from someone who has succeeded at McKinsey, Bain, or BCG. Your Strategy Sprint team will be led by an MBB alum who will ensure your team approaches the client engagement the same way the top firms do. Throughout the week, you’ll take part in two team meetings, two 1:1 check ins, and a partner review to ensure you’re on the right track.

Work for a Real Client

This is not a simulated case, and the client is not role-playing. They’re a real business that has asked for your help with an actual problem they’re facing. The stakes are high - your team’s recommendations could be transformational.

Your Contribution Matters

In Strategy Sprint, you own a project workstream. If you don’t deliver, you impact the rest of your team - just like in the real world. On the other hand, if you deliver meaningful insights, you can point to those outcomes in future interviews.

An Incredible Value

Strategy Sprint builds your consulting skills and resume for thousands less than comparable programs. It’s the perfect way to explore consulting or build your resume without breaking the bank.

Works For Your Schedule

We know you have a lot going on - that’s why the Strategy Sprint schedule is designed for flexibility. Other than your client and team meetings, when and where you complete your part of the project is up to you.

What Can I Expect?

Prior to Sprint Week

Self-Paced Learning

We’re not starting you from zero. Before you meet your client and join your team, you’ll complete 10 hours of self-paced, online training to build essential consulting skills including: Top-down communication, storyboarding, data analysis, and modeling. Plus, you’ll complete homework assignments to help you apply what you’re learning.

Day 1

Project Kickoff

Get ready to roll! You’ll meet your project team, project leader, and your client. Learn about your client’s business and work with your project team to develop a hypothesis and an initial data request.

Days 2-5

Individual Work with Check-Ins

Set your own schedule and own your workstream. After the kickoff meeting, you’ll be responsible for part of the project work, which you can complete on your schedule. You’ll get two live check-ins with your MBB lead and two live team meetings to ensure you’re on the right track. This is where you’ll learn firsthand how an MBB consultant approaches data, manages a client, and drives a project forward.

Day 6

Interim presentation with feedback

Almost there. You’ll participate in a “dry run” of your client presentation, and receive feedback from a Management Consulted leader to make sure your team’s findings are client-ready.

Day 7

Final client presentation

The big day. Your project team will present your findings and recommendations to the client. To date, 100% of clients have implemented the recommendations they’ve been given!


Certificate and Resume Help

Be recognized for your work. All participants will receive a Certificate of Completion, which is shareable on LinkedIn. In addition, our team will help you incorporate the Strategy Sprint experience on your resume.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Great question! See below for an overview.

    • Prior to Sprint Week: Self-paced pre-work (10 hours)
      • Video-based lessons exclusive to Strategy Sprint focused on teaching core consulting skills: top-down communication, Excel, storyboarding, and more
      • Homework associated with each training module so you can apply what you’re learning
    •  Day 1: Project Kickoff
      • Meet your case team and MBB case team leader (CTL)
      • Client reveal!
      • Work with your team and CTL to develop a hypothesis and develop a data request for the client
    • Days 2-5: Individual work on your workstream
      • 2 team all-hands meetings
      • 2 individual check-ins with CTL
    • Day 6: Interim presentation – Partner feedback and review
    • Day 7: Final client presentation
  • This year, we are offering Strategy Sprint 4 times –

    • January 6-12
    • March 9-15
    • May 18-24
    • November 2-8
  • We can! The SuperPrep program is what you are looking for. You’ll get:

    • Strategy Sprint
    • 20 hours of 1:1 MBB coaching (including 1 hour with our CEO, Jenny Rae Le Roux)
    • Resume/cover letter edits
    • 1 year membership to MC Community
  • YES! You’ll gain resume-worthy experience, build powerful stories for your interviews, and gain consulting skills.

    You will be staffed on a team with diverse professional backgrounds – you’ll have something to teach and learn from your peers.

  • No. While Black Belt includes an all-access pass to everything digital at MC – Strategy Sprint is not included.

    Please join us, however! It will be an incredible experience.

  • The entire program costs $1,200. This includes the training and the consulting engagement.

    Similar programs cost $4,000-$5,000 each.

    In light of current economic conditions, it is our intention to provide a superior experience affordably to create maximum access.

Have more questions? We can help.