How Does This Work?

Step 1: Purchase sessions

Visit our Shop page to purchase between 1-20 hours of 1:1 coaching. You'll be able to schedule your first session immediately after purchase. Not sure which package is right for you? Write us for a recommendation.

Step 2: Book your session(s)

Use the scheduler at the top of this page to choose a coach and find a time that works for you. You can book a session for as soon as 24 hours from now!

Step 3: Meet with your coach over Zoom

It's time to get to work. Your coach will guide you 1:1 through, well, almost anything. Case interview prep, fit interview prep, salary negotiation - you get the picture. If it is your first time working with a coach, send them an email with what you'd like to focus on prior to your session (you'll get their email address after booking).

Step 4: Get the offer

Join the thousands of candidates that have received the joyous offer letter after working with our team. We can't wait to celebrate with you!


  • Absolutely! You can work with any coach as long as your availability lines up with theirs.

    If you purchased Black Belt, we recommend sticking with one coach for a few sessions (rather than spreading yourself between a few) so they can learn your tendencies and gap areas and give better feedback.

  • Not to worry – our team is globally distributed to ensure 24/7/365 coverage. No matter what time of day (or night), or day of the week (or weekend), our team has the capacity to meet with you.

  • Yep! You’ll find your coach’s email in your session confirmation email so you can let them know what you’d like to focus on in the session and, if necessary, share your CV or other relevant info.

    If you’re setting up a mock interview, send us any feedback you’ve received from other experienced interviewers so we can jump right in.

  • We only work with people who are serious about breaking into consulting. It’s going to take a lot of work, but we don’t want to work with wannabes who are flaky or just plain lazy.

    The good news? We get AWESOME results. 80% of our clients who complete 8+ hours of coaching with us receive at least 1 offer, and 60% receive offers to 1 or more of the top 10 consulting firms!

    Think that’s low? Last year, McKinsey received 1,000,000 applications for 10,000 jobs. That’s a mere 1% offer rate for those of you doing the math at home.

    We are CRAZY proud of our excellent clients, and we invest heart and soul to push you toward success.

  • You can cancel or reschedule a session as late as 24hr before the session. You’ll do so by clicking “Manage Appointments” at the top of this page or by visiting this link.

    If you miss a session or show up more than 15min late, that counts as a “no-show” and the session will be deducted from your account.

    Had an emergency come up? Write our team and we’ll do our best to work with you.

  • Click the “See Bio” button beneath each headshot for a brief overview.

    In addition, many members of the team have joined the Strategy Simplified podcast to share their career journeys and how they work with candidates. Links to those episodes can be found in the bio section as well.

  • Interview services are non-refundable, but they also never expire. In addition, you can transfer or sell unused hours to another aspiring applicant (reach out to start the process).

    We have a “use it or use it” policy to encourage you to maximize your interview preparation. More practice = better results!

  • Triple your odds of landing an interview invite with our resume/cover letter editing package. We’ll fine-tune your docs over 2 rounds of edits, cutting what doesn’t serve you, and re-shaping your story into one consulting firms can’t say no to.